Site migration SEO refers to the process of maintaining and improving a website’s search engine visibility and rankings during a website migration or redesign. Site migrations involve significant changes to a website’s URL structure, content, design, or platform, which can impact its search engine rankings and visibility if not managed properly. Site migration SEO aims to minimize the negative impact of migration on search engine rankings and ensure a smooth transition for both users and search engines.

During a site migration, it’s essential to conduct thorough planning and preparation to mitigate potential risks and issues. This includes conducting a comprehensive SEO audit of the existing website to identify any technical issues, indexing problems, or areas for improvement. Additionally, website owners should create 301 redirects to redirect old URLs to new ones, update internal links and sitemaps, and notify search engines of the site migration through Google Search Console. Monitoring and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as organic traffic, rankings, and crawl errors during and after the migration can help identify any issues and ensure a successful transition. By following best practices for site migration SEO, website owners can minimize disruption to their search engine rankings and maintain their online visibility and authority.

Also see: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), Core Web Vitals, User-generated content (UGC) for SEO, Social signals, Off-page SEO, On-page SEO, Technical SEO, Content clusters, Latent semantic indexing (LSI), Content freshness, Evergreen content, International SEO, Multilingual SEO, Geo-targeting