Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a technique used by search engines to analyze and understand the relationship between words and concepts within a piece of content. LSI allows search engines to determine the context and relevance of a webpage’s content to a user’s search query by identifying related terms and synonyms. By analyzing the semantic meaning of words and phrases, search engines can provide more accurate and relevant search results to users and better understand the intent behind a search query.

In the context of SEO, leveraging LSI involves incorporating related keywords, synonyms, and variations of target keywords within website content to improve its relevance and visibility in search results. By using a diverse range of related terms and phrases, website owners can provide more context and depth to their content, increase the likelihood of matching a wider range of search queries, and improve their chances of ranking for relevant keywords. Additionally, using LSI keywords strategically can help websites avoid keyword stuffing and maintain a natural and readable flow of content. By incorporating LSI keywords into their SEO strategy, website owners can improve the relevance, visibility, and ranking of their content in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Also see: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), Core Web Vitals, User-generated content (UGC) for SEO, Social signals, Off-page SEO, On-page SEO, Technical SEO, Content clusters, Content freshness, Evergreen content, Site migration SEO, International SEO, Multilingual SEO, Geo-targeting