Site architecture, also known as website structure or navigation, refers to the organization and layout of webpages within a website. A well-designed site architecture is crucial for providing users with a seamless and intuitive browsing experience, as it influences how users navigate and interact with the website and how search engines crawl and index content. Site architecture encompasses factors such as URL structure, internal linking, navigation menus, and hierarchical organization of content, all of which contribute to the usability, accessibility, and effectiveness of the website.

A well-structured site architecture is important for SEO because it helps search engines understand the relationships between different pages and prioritize relevant content in search results. Websites with clear, logical site architectures are easier for search engines to crawl and index, as they provide a roadmap of the website’s content and hierarchy. Additionally, site architecture influences how link equity is distributed throughout the website, as pages that are more deeply nested or difficult to access may receive less visibility and authority from search engines.

Also see: Black hat SEO, Gray hat SEO, Penalty recovery, Duplicate content, Thin content, Content silos, Internal site search, Local SEO, Google My Business, Online reviews, Local citations, Citation building