HTTPS, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, is an encrypted version of the standard HTTP protocol used for transmitting data between a web browser and a website’s server. HTTPS uses SSL/TLS encryption to secure communication and protect sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, and personal data from interception and eavesdropping by third parties. Websites that use HTTPS have a padlock icon in the address bar and URLs that begin with “https://” instead of “http://”, indicating that the connection is secure.

Implementing HTTPS is essential for website security and user privacy, as it helps prevent data breaches, identity theft, and other security vulnerabilities. Additionally, HTTPS is also a ranking factor in Google’s search algorithms, meaning that websites with HTTPS may receive a slight ranking boost in search results compared to non-secure HTTP websites. To switch to HTTPS, website owners need to obtain an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate from a trusted certificate authority and install it on their web server. Once HTTPS is enabled, website owners should ensure that all internal links, resources, and third-party integrations are updated to use HTTPS URLs to avoid mixed content warnings and ensure a seamless browsing experience for users.

Also see: Redirects, 404 errors, 301 redirects, 302 redirects, SSL certificate, Content gap analysis for SEO, Competitor analysis for SEO, Keyword research tools, SEO plugins, SEO audits, SEO reporting, SEO training, SEO trends, SEO best practices, SEO case studies