A 301 redirect is a type of HTTP status code that indicates that a webpage has been permanently moved to a new location. 301 redirects are commonly used to redirect users and search engine bots from one URL to another, typically when a website undergoes a redesign, restructuring, or domain change. Unlike temporary redirects (302 redirects), which indicate that a webpage has been temporarily moved, 301 redirects pass the full link equity (ranking power) from the old URL to the new one, making them ideal for preserving SEO value and preventing broken links.

Implementing 301 redirects involves configuring server settings or using web server directives to automatically redirect users and search engine bots from the old URL to the new one. This ensures that visitors who attempt to access the old URL are seamlessly redirected to the new location without encountering a “page not found” error. Additionally, 301 redirects also notify search engines that the old URL has been permanently moved to the new location, allowing them to update their index accordingly and transfer any existing ranking signals to the new URL. By implementing 301 redirects effectively, website owners can maintain website usability, preserve SEO value, and ensure a smooth transition for users and search engines during website migrations, redesigns, or restructuring efforts.

Also see: Redirects, 404 errors, 302 redirects, HTTPS, SSL certificate, Content gap analysis for SEO, Competitor analysis for SEO, Keyword research tools, SEO plugins, SEO audits, SEO reporting, SEO training, SEO trends, SEO best practices, SEO case studies