How Kyle @ ZipTieCo doubled his traffic in just 4 months Without him lifting a finger
1.Kyle’s Situation | 2. How he worked with PageGenie | 3. Results |
Kyle’s situation
Kyle is a marketing manager at ZipTieCo. He wears a lot of different hats, overseeing digital marketing, print marketing, and other responsibilities. He knows that organic traffic and SEO are important, especially in Ecommerce, but he didn’t know where to start. He had been posting an occasional blog here and there, but with no real traction. Traffic had been flat for several years.
It’s a situation that’s very common in the B2B ecommerce and SaaS worlds.
People want more traffic from Google,don’t know what to do or how to start.
SEO can be very technical, and sometimes very expensive. So they try to do it themselves, or hire an expensive agency.
Kyle knew he had to make a change soon to grow the business to where he wanted it to be. He found himself contemplating three bad situations:
- More Traffic, but spending a lot of his valuable time writing blog articles
- More Traffic, but paying tons of money for Google Ads
- Nothing happens (oof)
Situation #1 – Doing it himself
Kyle had considered doing SEO himself, but he felt it would be both frustrating and time consuming. There are many tools to understand, and many possible things he could be doing, and it would be hard to know what worked and what didn’t. If he did decide to write his own blogs, he’d have to figure out what to write about and then spend hours of time writing, and then it would be weeks before he could see if it was effective. How much was his time worth as a senior manager? Kyle valued his time at $100/hr, and knew that if he spent 10 hours a week on this, that could well be $4,000 per month down the drain. Also, since it wasn’t clear to him how to go about it, he believed he might try many different approaches, not know what works, and then eventually give up. Worst, it would take time away from what he did best, creating marketing programs to support sales.
Situation #2 – Google Ads
Another option Kyle was considering was paying Google Ads for more traffic. The problem with this approach is that he knew he’d have to pay for every visitor who came to his site, and there’s no guarantee that they would buy. It also bothered him that the ads he paid for last month wouldn’t have any lasting value. The next month he would have to start all over again, paying for every new visitor, even if those visitors bought nothing.
Situation #3 – Nothing
The last possibility Kyle thought about was doing nothing, and hoping traffic would improve. But if it didn’t, Kyle knew that sales would stay flat and his boss wouldn’t be happy with him. As he’d heard before, hope isn’t a strategy.
What Kyle did instead:
After taking some time to reflect on these options, Kyle decided it would be best to take action with PageGenie as his partner. He told us that he wanted to achieve more organic traffic for his ecommerce site without spending a lot of money, or his own time on writing, or having to do a deep dive into SEO.
Here’s how he used our help to overcome all the things he was worried about, and create more traffic for his site:
Step #1- Auditing
We did a comprehensive audit of his site to understand what his products are, what his competitors were doing, and what keywords were his “low hanging fruit”. That is, we found what keywords had real traffic, were easy to rank for, and where his site already ranked on page 2, so that it would be easier to move him up to page 1 for those words.
Step #2- Onboarding
After doing this initial keyword research, we spent about an hour over zoom to make sure we were integrated with his google analytics and search console, and his ecommerce platform. We asked him about his business and his main competitors to understand the competitive landscape.
Step #3 – Fulfillment
At that point, we were ready to go. Then we went back and built a custom integration from our wordpress platform to his ecommerce site, so that we could automatically publish blogs on his site with no work on his part. This took about 2 weeks. Then we got to work. We used the easy to rank keywords to start publishing articles almost immediately, about 7 per week. We also submitted them to an indexing service that makes sure they show up in Google’s search results.
For each article, we started building out links between all the articles we’d written, so that Google would see the site as authoritative. Then, in each article, we added featured product callouts™ that inserted relevant product information directly into each article, and linked back to that product’s page on his site so that it would be an easy path to purchase
Step #4 – Monthly Communications
We created a streamlined communications process, where we communicated to him each month about the gains in traffic and domain authority he was getting. We also pointed him to the blog so he could see all the articles that were appearing. Kyle sometimes wanted adjustments on the blog formatting or the structure of the articles, which we built into our process.
Step #5 – Results
After just 3 months, Kyle now had over 60 laser-targeted articles on his blog, all indexed on Google. They started to get his site showing up for specific keywords that are relevant to his business:
Here are the statistics:
He could see that traffic in September was up over 50% from the same time last year.
And that is what we call the ‘PageGenie System’
Using this process, we were able to double his traffic. We used the PageGenie system combining AI writing with human editing to generate dozens of high quality, targeted articles for exactly the keywords his customers were looking for, and that had featured callouts of his products in the articles. And we got our articles ranked in Google for him, and we tracked the results using Search Console and SEMRush.
All without any extra time or work on Kyle’s part, without him paying 10s of thousands of dollars to google ads or for extra traffic.
And if you’re skeptical that this system not only works, but works like a charm, below are the results that he generated with us.
- Traffic doubled over a 4 month period, from 4000 to 8400visitors per month.
- Monthly double digit traffic increases
- Domain Authority regularly increased
Proof that it actually works:
In just 4 months, Kyle’s site traffic went from 4000 visitors per month to over 8,400 visitors per month
Get a Free Plan to Grow Your Traffic
Excited about the possibilities? Here is a free tool that we built to help you double your traffic.
Just fill out the form and it will create a complete content plan for you
Here’s what you’ll get:
=>A list of the most important keywords to target for *your* site
=>A list of the exact articles to write for those keywords to get your site to rank
=>How to structure those articles on your site with topics and subtopics
=>A sample article outline
We charge thousands for this, but you can get a free version right now.
Get your free traffic plan now
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Grow My Business with Organic Traffic