SEO Content Gameplan for

Below, you’ll find SEO-related data on your brand’s and your competitor’s website and a head-to-head comparison of the most highly-trafficked blog pages on your domain.

Google uses over 14,000 factors to rank your webpages among millions of others. Use the correlative data in this report to see what’s working for your brand… and what isn’t. Is it the word count? Maybe it’s the low page score  implying that there are technical issues (such as slow loading times) with your blog pages.

If you’re interested in a service that utilizes AI and human editors to adapt to Google’s constantly changing algorithms and increase your brand’s organic search traffic, talk to us.

Table of Contents

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Here’s the custom content plan for generated by PageGenie.

This content plan aligns your website’s content with your product’s unique selling points and addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Use this plan to increase search engine result impressions and improve user engagement metrics.

Step 2. Create new values:
– user_firstname = Adams
– user_lastname = Agula
– user_brand = Diboruwa

Step 3. Browse the internet to review the user’s business’s website to understand its business model, products/services, and target customers. Do the same for both of the competitor websites.

Step 4. Print a response:


Diboruwa (

  • Diboruwa offers on-demand subscription-based home services to busy professionals, families, and organizations with 10-50 staff.
  • Their services include cleaning, laundry, home maintenance, and other essential tasks to help customers focus on their personal or professional life.
  • Diboruwa focuses on providing high-quality services, using professional equipment and well-trained staff, and offering customizable packages to cater to various customer needs.

Competitor 1 – Eden Life (

  • Eden Life provides smart home concierge services that coordinate essentials like cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping for busy individuals and families.
  • Their product offering includes subscription-based housekeeping and errand services, to guarantee customers always have a tidy home and a stocked pantry.
  • Eden Life uses a mobile app to manage customers’ home services with ease, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Competitor 2 – SolidRent (

  • SolidRent offers on-demand home services tailored to suit customers’ needs, including cleaning, gardening, and minor repairs.
  • Their focus lies in providing standard and premium cleaning services, ensuring that customers’ homes are cleaned to their satisfaction.
  • Targeting both residential and commercial properties, SolidRent aims for a diverse customer base, offering different service packages to cater to various budgets and requirements.

Step 5. Do Keyword Research and create a keyword list: Generate a list of 100 SEO keywords that will allow the user to match or outperform their competitors, e.g., consider relevant keyword factors such as monthly search volume, keyword relevance, keyword difficulty, user’s and competitor’s current keyword rankings, etc.

Step 6. Sort the 100-keyword list by descending search volume.

Step 7. Print a response:

Targeted Keywords

Here are the first 15 out of 100 targeted keywords likely to help Diboruwa match or outperform its competitors’ organic traffic generation and attract busy professionals, families, and organisations with 10-50 staff interested in on-demand subscription-based home services. Keyword selection is based on a combination of high monthly search volume, low-to-medium keyword difficulty, your website’s content, competitors’ current keyword rankings, and several other factors.
– home services
– cleaning services
– home maintenance
– subscription services
– on-demand home services
– laundry services
– cleaning for offices
– professional cleaning
– home services apps
– housekeeping services
– maintenance packages
– home concierge
– residential cleaning
– gardening services
– home repair services

Looking to outperform and Schedule a brief call with Russell at PageGenie to receive your full Content Blueprint complete with a list of 100 targetted high volume, longtail, and niche keywords and 50 optimized article titles. Learn how PageGenie continually optimizes and executes your content marketing plan by generating algorithm-pleasing content without you lifting a finger. Receive your full Content Blueprint.

Step 8. Identify content pillar topics and subtopics:
– Home Cleaning
– Professional Cleaning Techniques
– Time-Saving Cleaning Tips
– Laundry Services
– Importance of Laundry Management
– Proper Laundry and Fabric Care
– Home Maintenance
– DIY Maintenance Tips
– Hiring Professional Maintenance Services
– Subscription Models
– Benefits of Subscription-based Services
– How Pricing Structures Work

Step 9. Map related keywords to each topic and subtopic:
– Home Cleaning
– Cleaning services
– Residential cleaning
– Laundry Services
– Laundry services
– Home Maintenance
– Home maintenance
– Gardening services
– Home repair services
– Subscription Models
– Subscription services
– Home services apps
– Housekeeping services
– Maintenance packages
– Home concierge

Step 10. Print a response:

Content Pillar Topics and Subtopics

  • Home Cleaning
    • Professional Cleaning Techniques
    • Time-Saving Cleaning Tips
    • Associated Keywords: cleaning services, residential cleaning
  • Laundry Services
    • Importance of Laundry Management
    • Proper Laundry and Fabric Care
    • Associated Keywords: laundry services
  • Home Maintenance
    • DIY Maintenance Tips
    • Hiring Professional Maintenance Services
    • Associated Keywords: home maintenance, gardening services, home repair services
  • Subscription Models
    • Benefits of Subscription-based Services
    • How Pricing Structures Work
    • Associated Keywords: subscription services, home services apps, housekeeping services, maintenance packages, home concierge

Step 11. Generate Article Titles: Craft 5 SEO-optimized, catchy article titles
1. “Discover the Benefits of On-Demand Subscription-Based Home Services and Leave the Chores to the Pros”
2. “Unlock the Secrets to a Cleaner and Tidier Home: Top Home Cleaning Techniques Revealed”
3. “How to Choose the Best Home Maintenance Package to Keep Your Home Running Smoothly”
4. “Why Laundry Services are Essential for Busy Professionals and How to Find the Right One”
5. “The Ultimate Guide to Subscription Home Services: How to Streamline Your Life and Save Time”

Step 12. Print a response:

5 Optimized Article Titles

  1. “Discover the Benefits of On-Demand Subscription-Based Home Services and Leave the Chores to the Pros”
  2. “Unlock the Secrets to a Cleaner and Tidier Home: Top Home Cleaning Techniques Revealed”
  3. “How to Choose the Best Home Maintenance Package to Keep Your Home Running Smoothly”
  4. “Why Laundry Services are Essential for Busy Professionals and How to Find the Right One”
  5. “The Ultimate Guide to Subscription Home Services: How to Streamline Your Life and Save Time”

Step 13. Plan a 1500-word article based on the first article title in the list generated in Step 11.
– Introduction: Brief overview of on-demand subscription-based home services
– Benefits of On-Demand Subscription-Based Home Services
– Convenience
– Customization
– Compliance with modern lifestyle
– Delegation of chores
– High-quality services
– Factors to consider when choosing a home service provider
– Reputation
– Customizable packages
– Pricing
– Reviews
– Services offered
– How Diboruwa meets these criteria and stands out from its competitors
– Conclusion: Summary and call to action for trying Diboruwa services

Step 14. Print a response:

1500-Word Article Outline

Title: “Discover the Benefits of On-Demand Subscription-Based Home Services and Leave the Chores to the Pros”

I. Introduction: Brief overview of on-demand subscription-based home services

II. Benefits of On-Demand Subscription-Based Home Services
A. Convenience
B. Customization
C. Compliance with modern lifestyle
D. Delegation of chores
E. High-quality services

III. Factors to consider when choosing a home service provider
A. Reputation
B. Customizable packages
C. Pricing
D. Reviews
E. Services offered

IV. How Diboruwa meets these criteria and stands out from its competitors

V. Conclusion: Summary and call to action for trying Diboruwa services

This outline provides a solid structure for an engaging, informative article that aligns with this SEO content strategy and drives readers further down your funnel onto your collections and product pages where they are converted from readers into shoppers and ultimately, paying customers.

Receive your Free 1500-word Article

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PageGenie has industry experts who review and edit your content for technical accuracy and imbue personality and human experience into every article. PageGenie combines the best benefits of human experts and machine learning to up-level your brand's content marketing. Have PageGenie generate bespoke content that places your brand on top of mind and at the top of Google's search results.
Schedule a call with Russell and along with learning how we'll increase your organic traffic, you'll receive a sample article that you are free to use whether you onboard with us or not. Click here to schedule a brief call now.

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