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Are you an ecommerce merchant looking to improve your website’s security and boost your search engine rankings? Look no further than HTTPS for BigCommerce. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of HTTPS, its impact on Google rankings, and the importance of trust and security for your online business. We will also delve into the benefits of HTTPS for ecommerce and provide recommendations for implementing it on your website. So, let’s dive in and discover how HTTPS can take your online presence to the next level.

  • Learn what HTTPS is and how it works
  • Understand the significance of HTTPS for ecommerce merchants
  • Discover Google’s use of HTTPS as a ranking signal
  • Explore the impact of HTTPS on SEO rankings
  • Uncover the importance of trust and security with HTTPS
  • Find out how HTTPS encrypts data and protects personal information
  • Realize the benefits of HTTPS for ecommerce, including increased visibility and customer trust

Boost Your Website’s Rankings with HTTPS: Google’s Ranking Signal and Website Security

As an ecommerce merchant, you understand the importance of having a secure website and ranking well on Google. One key factor that can help you achieve both is HTTPS. In this section, we will explore how Google uses HTTPS as a ranking signal, the impact of HTTPS on SEO rankings, and Google’s continued push for website security. Let’s dive in and discover how HTTPS can elevate your online presence.

Google’s Use of HTTPS as a Ranking Signal

Google recognizes the significance of website security and has incorporated HTTPS as a ranking signal. Back in 2014, Google started using HTTPS as a way to identify secure websites and give them a ranking boost. This move aimed to encourage website owners to prioritize security and protect user data.

Initially, the impact of HTTPS on search rankings was minimal, affecting only 1% of global searches. However, Google took it a step further in 2015 by stating that HTTPS could serve as a “tiebreaker” when two websites have equal content quality. In other words, if your website is HTTPS-enabled and your competitor’s website is not, you have a higher chance of ranking above them.

The Impact of HTTPS on SEO Rankings

Multiple studies and analyses have shown a strong correlation between HTTPS and SEO rankings. Brian Dean, in a 2016 study, found that HTTPS had a “reasonably strong correlation” with higher rankings. This means that by implementing HTTPS on your website, you can potentially improve your search engine rankings and increase your visibility to potential customers.

Google’s emphasis on website security and the use of HTTPS as a ranking signal indicate that it’s not just a passing trend. As an ecommerce merchant, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve and prioritize HTTPS implementation to maintain a competitive edge in search rankings.

Google’s Continued Push for Website Security

Google’s commitment to website security is evident in its ongoing efforts to encourage website owners to adopt HTTPS. In October 2018, Google issued a “final warning” to websites that have not yet made the switch to HTTPS. This warning emphasizes the importance of strengthening the SEO impact of HTTPS and signals that Google is taking website security seriously.

By staying up to date with Google’s recommendations and implementing HTTPS on your website, you not only improve your search rankings but also align with Google’s vision of a safer and more secure internet.

Chrome’s Warning for Non-HTTPS Websites

Trust in website security is vital for visitors. Nearly half of all internet users prefer Chrome as their browser, and Chrome now includes a warning feature for non-HTTPS websites. If your website lacks HTTPS, Chrome will show a “Not Secure” warning alongside a red icon that deters interaction. This warning aims to steer visitors toward a more secure alternative.

This new warning feature has significantly affected non-HTTPS websites. Such sites are seeing higher bounce rates, indicating that visitors leave shortly after arriving. For ecommerce merchants, this drop in engagement leads directly to fewer sales and conversions.

The Effect of Trust on Website Bounce Rates

A 2016 survey showed that 84% of users would quit a transaction if they found a website to be insecure. This data underscores how trust can build customer confidence and persuade them to finalize their purchases.

Adding HTTPS to your website builds trust among your visitors. The “https://” and the small padlock icon in the address bar signal a secure connection. This assurance can help protect customers’ personal information. As a result, you may experience lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates, which in turn can elevate your sales and revenue.

Importance of HTTPS for Customer Trust and Sales

During the festive season, when online spending is expected to reach new heights, customer trust is more critical than ever. With the rise of cyber threats and identity theft, customers are becoming increasingly cautious about sharing their personal information online.

By implementing HTTPS on your website, you provide a secure browsing experience for your customers. HTTPS encrypts data, making it significantly harder for internet thieves to steal sensitive information such as login IDs, home addresses, and credit card details. This added layer of security not only protects your customers from identity fraud but also safeguards your online business from potential liability.

Furthermore, HTTPS helps protect your customers from imposter websites. These fraudulent sites aim to gather personal user information, such as credit card numbers, by posing as legitimate businesses. By displaying the “https://” and padlock icon, you minimize the risk of customers falling victim to these scams and ensure that they are interacting with your genuine website.

How HTTPS Encrypts Data

HTTPS encrypts data, adding an extra security layer for both your website and its users. When a user engages with an HTTPS-enabled website, the site encrypts their data before sending it across the internet.

This encryption keeps the exchange of information between the user’s web browser and the website confidential, making it difficult for malicious actors to intercept. HTTPS employs a cryptographic protocol known as Transport Layer Security (TLS), formerly Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), to create an encrypted connection between the user’s browser and the website’s server. This ensures the privacy and security of all transmitted data.

Protecting Personal Information and Preventing Identity Theft

When you add HTTPS to your website, you secure your users’ browsing experience and guard their personal information against potential threats. As users input sensitive data like login credentials or credit card details on an HTTPS-enabled website, the site encrypts the information, making it hard for hackers to intercept.

Encrypting the data this way significantly lowers the chances of identity theft and unauthorized personal information access. Even if a hacker intercepts the encrypted data, they need the decryption key to understand it. Without the key, the data remains unreadable and worthless to them.

HTTPS also helps online retailers and their customers avoid fake websites. These scam sites mimic legitimate businesses to trick users into giving up their personal information. Using HTTPS lowers the risk of users becoming scam victims, as the “https://” and padlock icon in the address bar signal a secure connection.

Minimizing the Risk of Imposter Websites

Imposter websites pose a significant threat to both website owners and their users. These fraudulent websites are designed to deceive users into believing that they are interacting with a legitimate business, often with the intention of stealing personal information or carrying out financial scams.

By implementing HTTPS on your website, you minimize the risk of users falling victim to imposter websites. The presence of the “https://” and padlock icon in the address bar serves as a visual indicator of a secure connection, providing reassurance to users that they are interacting with the genuine website.

Imposter websites typically do not have HTTPS enabled, as they do not have access to the necessary security certificates. By ensuring that your website is HTTPS-enabled, you differentiate yourself from these fraudulent sites and establish trust with your users.

The Benefits of HTTPS for Ecommerce: Boosting Visibility and Building Trust

As an ecommerce merchant, you want your website to stand out and attract customers. One way to achieve this is by implementing HTTPS, which offers a range of benefits for your online business. In this section, we will explore how HTTPS can increase your website’s visibility in search engine rankings, build trust and credibility with customers, and protect customer data during transactions.

Increased Visibility and Search Engine Rankings

When it comes to online visibility, ranking high in search engine results is crucial. HTTPS can give your website a boost in search rankings, making it more likely to be found by potential customers. In 2014, Google started using HTTPS as a ranking signal, recognizing the importance of website security.

By implementing HTTPS on your website, you increase your chances of appearing on the first page of search results. This increased visibility can lead to more organic traffic and potential customers discovering your online store. With the holiday season approaching and online spending expected to rise, it’s essential to take advantage of HTTPS to ensure your website is easily found by shoppers.

Building Trust and Credibility with Customers

Trust is a crucial factor for customers when making online purchases. With the rise of cyber threats and identity theft, customers are more cautious about sharing their personal information. HTTPS helps build trust and credibility by providing a secure browsing experience for your customers.

When visitors see the “https://” and padlock icon in the address bar, they know that their data is encrypted and protected. This visual indicator reassures customers that their personal information, such as credit card details and addresses, is safe from prying eyes.

Protecting Customer Data and Ensuring Secure Transactions

HTTPS encrypts data, making it much more difficult for internet thieves to snatch sensitive information. When customers conduct online transactions, their data travels through multiple computers. Without HTTPS, this data is vulnerable to interception by anyone.

Adding HTTPS to your website safeguards your customers’ data, such as login IDs and credit card details. This extra security layer ensures secure transactions and restricts information access to only the intended recipients. HTTPS also protects your online store from identity fraud by confirming the legitimacy of each transaction.

Conclusion: Embrace HTTPS for a Secure and Successful Online Presence

As we wrap up our exploration of HTTPS and its impact on website visibility and sales, it’s clear that implementing HTTPS is essential for ecommerce merchants. By prioritizing website security and adopting HTTPS, you not only protect your customers’ personal information but also boost your search engine rankings and build trust with your audience.

Check out our latest blog post and learn more about best SEO practices: Securing Your BigCommerce Store**: The SEO Benefits of HTTPS.