Competitive SEO Analysis | FlightCX vs Gorgias

Below, you’ll find SEO-related data on your brand’s and your competitor’s website and a head-to-head comparison of the most highly-trafficked blog pages on your domain.

Google uses over 14,000 factors to rank your webpages among millions of others. Use the correlative data in this report to see what’s working for your brand… and what isn’t. Is it the word count? Maybe it’s the low page score  implying that there are technical issues (such as slow loading times) with your blog pages.

If you’re interested in a service that utilizes AI and human editors to adapt to Google’s constantly changing algorithms and increase your brand’s organic search traffic, talk to us.

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FlightCX vs Gorgias

Generated by PageGenie

Summary of FlightCX

  • FlightCX specializes in providing customer experience (CX) solutions tailored for the aviation industry.
  • Their services include customer support, feedback management, and experience optimization to enhance passenger satisfaction.
  • The target customers are airlines and aviation service providers looking to improve their customer service and overall passenger experience.

Summary of Gorgias

  • Gorgias is a customer support platform designed for e-commerce businesses, offering tools to manage customer inquiries and support tickets.
  • Their features include automation, multi-channel support, and integration with various e-commerce platforms to streamline customer service operations.
  • The target market includes online retailers and e-commerce businesses seeking to enhance their customer support efficiency and effectiveness.

Domain Stats

Metric Gorgias
Search Traffic estimated 1,119 visitors / month 72,218 visitors / month
Ranked Keywords google 125 keywords 18,228 keywords
No. of Blog Pages Found 10 pages 237 pages

Keywords vs Traffic Volume

FlightCX’s Top 5 Blog Pages

Let’s look at FlightCX’s highest-trafficked blog pages.

  1. The Four Customer Types

    Search Traffic estimated Ranked Keywords google Top 10 Keywords?
    297 visitors / month 62 keywords 18 keywords
    Page Score? Readability Score? Word Count
    97.44 53.61750107035823 1617 words
  2. How Product Ops Can Help Customer Support Create a Better Customer Experience

    Search Traffic estimated Ranked Keywords google Top 10 Keywords?
    8 visitors / month 17 keywords 0 keywords
    Page Score? Readability Score? Word Count
    97.44 42.56290463085111 1691 words
  3. An Introduction to Support Queue Management

    Search Traffic estimated Ranked Keywords google Top 10 Keywords?
    6 visitors / month 6 keywords 1 keywords
    Page Score? Readability? Word Count
    97.44 44.543142720611684 1548 words
  4. Building Youth Employment Pathways with Radius Group

    Search Traffic estimated Ranked Keywords google Top 10 Keywords?
    1 visitors / month 3 keywords 0 keywords
    Page Score Readability Word Count
    97.44? 25.89890109890112? 455 words
  5. 5 Steps to Define Customer Support Performance Metrics

    Search Traffic estimated Ranked Keywords google Top 10 Keywords?
    1 visitors / month 3 keywords 0 keywords
    Page Score? Readability? Word Count
    97.44 39.4419337925803 1277 words

Want high-traffic content pages that attract thousands of new shoppers every month?
Have the professionals handle this for you so you can ensure a positiive ROI. Talk to us.

Gorgias’s Top 5 Blog Pages

Which of Gorgias’s blog pages pull the most traffic? Let’s see.

  1. Search Traffic estimated Ranked Keywords google Top 10 Keywords?
    12,013 visitors / month 415 keywords 100 keywords
    Page Score? Readability Score? Word Count
  2. Search Traffic estimated Ranked Keywords google Top 10 Keywords?
    2,050 visitors / month 295 keywords 9 keywords
    Page Score? Readability Score? Word Count
  3. Search Traffic estimated Ranked Keywords google Top 10 Keywords?
    1,754 visitors / month 87 keywords 8 keywords
    Page Score? Readability Score? Word Count
  4. Search Traffic estimated Ranked Keywords google Top 10 Keywords?
    1,536 visitors / month 61 keywords 44 keywords
    Page Score? Readability Score? Word Count
  5. Search Traffic estimated Ranked Keywords google Top 10 Keywords?
    1,214 visitors / month 181 keywords 16 keywords
    Page Score? Readability Score? Word Count

Want to know the exact reasons why these pages are performing like this?
We have all of the data you need to create high-performing pages that attract thousands of new paying customers every month.
Talk to us.

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